Medical-Legal Homicide Defense Consultation.

Healthcare Practitioner Criminal Defense Consultation; Hospital and Licensure Defense of Health care professionals: Call me!

Practice areas: Medically-Related Criminal Defense Consultation, Rape, Sex Crimes, Homicides, Autopsy Analysis, Strangulation, Analysis of Scientific Evidence.

I help defend health care professionals. When your freedom or medical licensure is on the line I may be able to help. I am experienced in hospital privilege and medical licensure litigation. Do not try to represent yourself. I will get you to a good, experienced lawyer, and then consult in your defense!

Initial complimentary conference and material review

Professional Consultation and Medical/Legal Evidentiary Analysis

In utilizing our services and expertise, attorneys can often reduce litigation costs, and obtain expert medical and legal analyses unique to this area of case law.  Dr. Oppenheim authored the definitive work on medical records, and has a rare and valuable expertise with medical evidence as it relates to criminal defense and medical malpractice.


“Hope all is well. Just a brief update on One Case – the DA seems very interested in negotiating this case. We’ve continued trial out until September and so cross your fingers the DA comes to his senses about this case. I’ll keep you advised with any updates. 

Also, as for Other Case. Thank you for your work on his case. With your help, we were able to get Mr. ———- a fantastic offer and I’m hopeful he does well on probation. When we speak next, I’m happy to give you a more detailed review of your work.”

Craig, Attorney-at-Law